Warm Welcome

Wednesday from 10am-3.30pm. All are welcome to come into the warm. We offer hot drinks and a simple lunch but please feel free to bring in your own refreshments if you prefer.

Sunday School

Our Sunday School is amazing and our children are awesome! Held in our church lounge every Sunday morning, the children have their own time of fun, Bible stories and crafts, helping to introduce them to Jesus and to grow in their faith.

Photo by Agence Olloweb on Unsplash

No Limits

No Limits! is the place to be. They gather together in the Youth Hut on alternate Sunday's, and have a once-a-month Youth Club. Each year we go away on Camp and have an incredible time. All content is Bible based and relevant to faith today. Our hope and prayer is that the young people will encounter Jesus for themselves and choose to walk His way.

Parent and Toddler Group

Our parent and toddler group mets every Monday morning at 9.30am. You will recieve a cup of tea, a snack for the children, free play and rhyme time all for a suggested donation of £3!

Young At Heart

Young At Heart meets every Wednesday from 2.00 pm. The programme is varied, from quizes, guest speakers, craft sessions and days out. We always finish with tea, coffee and biscuits. Meetings are open to all just come along to Rosedale Community Church be prepared for an entertaining and friendly afternoon! For further details please contact Sheila:

  01992 427792

Men's Prayer Breakfast

On the first Saturday of each month (8.00 - 9:30am), men from the Church gather in a local cafe for an informal prayer meeting along with a full English breakfast - or just a slice of toast for those with a smaller appetite! For further details please contact Vince:

  01992 426023

Photo by Carissa Gan on Unsplash

  01992 623835